there are severals ways to classify the types of nouns that exist in the english language. in grammar, nouns are taught to be words that refer to people, places, things, or abstract ideas.
PROPER NOUNS: are nouns that refer to specific entities for example: Nebraska, Steve, Harvard, or White House to show their destinction from common nouns.
COMMON NOUNS: refer to general, unspecific categories of entities for example: State, University.
COUNTABLE NOUNS: to lenguists, these count nouns can occur in both single and plural forms, can be modified by numerales, and can co-occur with quantificational determiners like many, most, more, several, etc. for example: a bike, six broken bikes, several bikes etc.
UNCOuNTABLE NOUNS: conversely, some nouns are not countable and are called uncountable or mass nouns.
subtances, loquids and powders are entities that are aften signified by mass nouns such as wood, sand, water, and flour. other examples would be milk, air, furniture, freedom, rice and intelligence.
CONCRETE NOUNS: are nouns that can be touched, smelled, seen, felt or tasted. steak, table, dog, maria, salt, and wool. are all examples of concrete nouns.
ABSTRACT NOUNS: more ethereal, theoretical concepts use abstract nouns to referd to them. concepts like: freedom, love, power and redemption are all examples of abstract nouns.
PRONOUNS: are types of nouns that take the place of nouns when refering to people, place or things. the personal pronouns in english are: I. you, he, she, it and they.
The genitive case is one of the 4 main cases in moder english. Whilst it has other uses ( explained below), it is predominantly the form used to indicate possession for nouns, it is usually created by adding 's to the word or by preceding it with "of".
- Andrea's haircut.
- the flower of the table.
there are several other ways of forming the genitive case:
Singular noun
Dog’s dinner
Plural nouns
Dogs’ dinner
Singular noun
endings s
Chris’ hat or Chris’s
Plural nouns not
ending s
Men’s room
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